Create a Unified Customer Profile
Establish a centralized registry of subscribers and have all their subscriptions, contact info, services, resources, and much more in one place.

Subscriber Registry

Multiple Databases & Multiple Subscriber Listings
With your company’s acquisitions and growth, subscriber information is listed in multiple billing and CRM systems, as well as legacy BSS.
There’s a lot of data duplication and ambiguity. Is Jane A. Smith, with post-paid wireless service, the same person as Jane Smith, with landline and satellite TV service? What about Jane Ann Smith with prepaid wireless?
There’s no centralized registry that holds all of a subscriber’s subscriptions, contact info, etc. And that impacts just about every department.
Get a Unified Customer View
Beesion’s Subscriber Registry creates a centralized registry of subscribers and all their subscriptions, contact information, services, resources, and much more.
The registry can be used for CRM systems, self-care systems, and as a master reference for all billing systems.
The result: a unified customer profile for each subscriber, no matter how often plans/devices change, accounts are added/deleted, or any other changes occur.
Moreover, the software is built with low-code software so it’s quick to launch and easy to update.
Revenue & Customer Service Benefits

Subscriber in Multiple BSS
Uniquely Identifies Subscribers
Step 1
The application uses business rules and artificial intelligence to de-dupe subscriber information and uniquely identify each customer. It can address a wide range of name permutations, including misspellings.
Exceptions are also addressed and go through a manual de-dupe process.
Consolidates Subscriber Accounts
Step 2
Once subscribers are uniquely identified, each subscriber is linked to his/her corresponding BSS accounts. A consolidated account is then created.
Large accounts and single accounts are also mapped accordingly.
Populates Consolidated Accounts with Data
Step 3
The application populates the newly consolidated account by importing service subscriptions. It also imports contact info, devices, and other info from the CRM.
Then, it maps subscription services and resources directly to the Enterprise Product Catalog.

Unified Subscriber
Registry Has Consolidated Subscriber Data

View Registry Info in CRM
The registry lists the following information for every unique subscriber:
- Identity and Demographics
- Contact Info
- Telecom Subscriptions
- Services and Status
- Enabled Devices
- Assigned Resources
- And much more
Customer Care representatives can access this info in a few clicks when the application is integrated with the CRM.
Develop New Customer Care Processes Or Change Existing Ones Without Code
- Make changes to business rules, (i.e. documentation required, steps completed, etc.) with drag-and-drop tools
- Change workflows without any code (i.e. add vendors, change process steps, etc.)
- Launch new processes
- Test new flows/rules and release to production in minutes

Revenue & Customer Service Benefits

Create more targeted cross-sell/upsell marketing campaigns.

Enable agents to negotiate a single payment play for all telecom debt in arrears, minimizing collections costs

No longer check multiple databases. All customer info is in one place, lowering call times and increasing customer satisfaction.

More concise reporting on churn, average usage, ARPU, etc.

Avoid service provisioning errors and reduce order fallout.

Serve as the single source of data for the Billing and Charging systems.
No Billing Conversion Required
With the application, carriers can still bill subscribers from multiple billing systems.
However, the application can serve as the Master Registry for a billing system, as well as a catalyst for future billing unification.

Want to know more about Subscriber Registry?
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