Detect Connectivity Issues, Device Health, and Usage Fraud
Get detailed data from the device

Quality of Experience
Sometimes, Data and the Customers’ Experience Isn’t Aligned
- Network monitoring software says coverage is strong, yet the customer dropped a call
- Or, the subscriber says his data usage was less than what was billed. But something doesn’t look right
This mismatch between data and the subscribers’ experience often translates into prolonged customer care calls. It also can result in undeserved credits.
At the same time, misaligned or incomplete data can hide the true customer experience and hurt the carriers’ reputation with its corporate clients.
Get the Full Picture of the Customers’ Experience
With Beesion’s Quality of Mobile Experience application, carriers get highly detailed data about the customers’ connectivity experience, device health, and data usage.
The mobile app, which can be pre-loaded into the device’s firmware, transmits data about dropped calls, signal strength, failed call attempts and much more. The software complements network monitoring data, helping you better manage SLAs, issue credits appropriately, and serve customers better.
The application also provides insight into potentially fraudulent activity, such as 1) changes to the device firmware 2) device unlocking, and 3) questionable SIM card exchanges.
Intuitive dashboards and reports display the devices’ information in a standalone web application or the software can be integrated with your CRM. Importantly, the software uses Beesion’s low-code platform.
Collect Data Directly from the Device
Then View Info on Dashboards

The app is lightweight. Only a few megabytes. Both iOS and Android versions are available.
The application collects information daily, even if the user never uses the reporting interface.

View Network Performance from the Customers’ Perspective
Plus, Manage SLAs and
Credits More Efficiently
- Manage SLAs better, knowing exactly how the network performs where your VIPs make calls
- Issue credits for dropped calls more accurately. With CRM integration, view the subscriber’s usage data in conjunction with his entire account profile
- Proactively reach out to corporate clients about weak signal strength
- Share device-based data with tech teams to make operational adjustments
Give Subscribers a Voice
With Beesion’s Quality of Mobile Experience app, subscribers can take an active role in improving their experience. With a few clicks, they can instantly report whether there’s no signal, internet, nor text messages, or other network problems. The types of events can be customized.
Subscribers can discover problems well before your network teams find them.
If the subscriber doesn’t choose to report, the information will still be collected automatically.

Get Device Info, Stats and Location
Device Statistics

Identify Potential Data Usage Fraud
For corporate accounts
- View the data usage for each line – and identify whether users exceeded data plan amounts with non-work related applications, like YouTube.
- Plus, with CRM integration, view the subscriber’s usage data in conjuction with his entire account profile.
Want to know more about Quality of Experience?
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